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Configuring The World-Wide-Lab Server

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List of Environment Variables

ADMIN_UIShould the administration interface at /admin be enabled?true
API_DOCSShould documentation for the API be made available by the server at /api-docs?true
DATABASE_URL (required)The URL pointing to the database, including credentials.No Default
ADMIN_AUTH_SESSION_SECRET (required if ADMIN_UI is true)A random, secret piece of information used to secure authentication sessions. Required and should be random characters.No Default
ADMIN_AUTH_DEFAULT_EMAIL (required if ADMIN_UI is true)The default email to use to login to the Admin UI. Use something secure and non-obvious here.No Default
ADMIN_AUTH_DEFAULT_PASSWORD (required if ADMIN_UI is true)The default password to use to login to the Admin UI. Use something secure and non-obvious here.No Default
DEFAULT_API_KEYThe token to use to authenticate with the World-Wide-Lab API for use with protected endpoints to e.g. download data. If not provided, these endpoints will be unavailable. This is not needed for standard usage, such as adding responses / data to World-Wide-Lab.No Default
WWL_ENV_FILEWhich file to load environment variables from (additionally to the ones set in the actual environment)".env"
ROOTThe root URL where World-Wide-Lab is running."http://localhost"
PORTThe port at which World-Wide-Lab is running8787
LOGGING_DIRWhich directory to write logs to."logs"
LOGGING_LEVEL_CONSOLEAt which level default logs should be written. From coarse to detailed, the available levels are: error, warn, info, http, sql, verbose, debug, silly. Typically info or verbose are reccommended."info"
LOGGING_HTTPShould HTTP calls be logged?true
USE_AUTHENTICATIONDoes the Admin UI require authentication? For any real-world scenario this is strongly recommended.true
GENERATE_EXAMPLE_DATAShould World-Wide-Lab automatically generate some example data already? This will create a study called example.true
DATABASE_CHUNK_SIZEChunk-size to use for data export queries from the database, to avoid that World-Wide-Lab runs out of memory and crashes when exporting large amounts of data.10000 (rows)
CREATE_STUDIESShorthand to automatically create empty studies. This can be useful when you set up a local World-Wide-Lab for testing in e.g. a docker-compose file."" (no studies created)
CREATE_LEADERBOARDSShorthand to automatically create empty leaderboards. This can be useful when you set up a local World-Wide-Lab for testing in e.g. a docker-compose file."" (no leaderboards)
WWL_ELECTRON_APPInternal. Is World-Wide-Lab running as the Desktop App or Server. Do not set or modify this variable, it is automatically set to the correct value.false